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Welcome to OpenRGS™, the next-generation state-of-the-art game development platform for iGaming!
Build your games on a highly engineered and thoroughly tested framework and let us worry about all the technical details, while you focus on making your next hit game. It really is that easy!
What does OpenRGS™ offer?
Take your games live in 20+ regulated markets across the world with a transparent revenue share model
Hacksaw Gaming has the biggest distribution network in the industry, ready to put your games into the hands of players everywhere, all at once
Gain the benefit of Hacksaw’s sales network, ensuring that your games are as visible as possible on all our customers’ brands
The fastest route to market for companies looking to get started in the iGaming industry, or existing operators and suppliers looking to expand their distribution network or replace their in-house tech stack
The expertise of Hacksaw’s testing department, ensuring that your games are compliant with the regulatory requirements in a multitude of markets
A flexible game engine model that supports all common game types, using either your own backend and math or our bespoke solution created by a dedicated team of backend developers and mathematicians
What is OpenRGS™?
Hacksaw Gaming’s OpenRGS™ is a solution like no other: a Remote Gaming Server platform where developers can build their game clients on an established frontend framework, while Hacksaw Gaming’s highly advanced RGS provides all the necessary backend functionality, mathematical configuration, and compliance requirements for both platform and games!
How does
it work?
As an OpenRGS™ client, all you need to worry about is building your game and making it as awesome as you know it can be!
We will assist you with creating the backend engine for your game to provide all the needed game mechanics and configure the mathematical model exactly to your liking. The frontend framework will also provide you with a flexible and extensible game engine
to build your game client and bring your games to the
next level.
What are the benefits of OpenRGS™ compared to a traditional aggregation platform?
Because OpenRGS™ is a platform solution rather than an integration or aggregation solution, you never have to worry about any integration issues, client overlays messing with the visuals of your game, or who is responsible for what. Building on OpenRGS™ means that the game your players see is your game, nothing more or less, and without the hassle of everything behind the scenes. No middle-man or third (or fourth, fifth, and sixth…) party, but direct support with a dedicated team.
Get started with OpenRGS™ today and
launch your games on the future of iGaming!
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